GUE/NGL won’t Support Ursula von der Leyen’s Nomination for Commission Top Job

After the meeting with German Minister of Defence and nominee to the role of President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, GUE/NGL decided not to support her candidacy.

originally published at the website of the GUE/NGL;

Acting GUE/NGL President Martin Schirdewan (DIE LINKE, Germany) comments:

We have listened carefully to Ms von der Leyen and grilled her on our 10 key demands for the next Commission. Her responses were insufficient to satisfy the basic aspirations of EU citizens. They will help perpetuate the chronic problems the EU is facing.

We realise she does not have a vision that is based on social justice and on human rights. She will perpetuate the neoliberal policies that have led to the economic crisis and unprecedented poverty and inequality among Europeans. We saw little desire to tackle tax avoidance and fraud by big corporations.

We are also concerned about the militarisation of the EU that von der Leyen is proposing. Her legacy in Germany is of arms to Saudi Arabia and support for military intervention. Likewise, no credible proposals to reform the EU asylum system and end the shameful deaths in the Mediterranean.

On the environment, von der Leyen’s proposals are not sufficient to tackle the climate emergency that pose an existential threat to our planet.

For these and other reasons we will not support Ursula von der Leyen’s candidacy for Commission President. We demand a truly democratic process for EU top jobs and an end to backroom deals,” Schirdwan concluded.

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