transform! europe: Election of Co-Presidents

Last Friday the 25th of September, transform! europe, the think tank associated with the Party of the European Left (EL), elected Cornelia Hildebrandt, social scientist and representative of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in the Board of transform!, and Marga Ferré, representative of the FEC, the research and educational institution of Spain’s Izquierda Unida, as the new Co-Presidents.

Last Friday the 25th of September, transform! europe, the think tank associated with the Party of the European Left (EL), elected Cornelia Hildebrandt, social scientist and representative of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in the Board of transform!, and Marga Ferré, representative of the FEC, the research and educational institution of Spain’s Izquierda Unida, as the new Co-Presidents. In this capacity, they are replacing Walter Baier, transform!’s longstanding Political Coordinator.

The Co-Presidents will be seconded by two Vice-Presidents: Danai Koltsida from Greece (Director of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute) and Yann Le Lann (President of Espaces Marx, France).

The election was held during the General Assembly of transform! europe, which due to Corona had to take place as a video conference. The resolutions of the General Assembly and the revised Statute can be consulted starting next week on the website

transform! europe was founded during the 2003 meeting of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre as a loose network coordinating seven institutions. In 2008 it was recognised by the EL as its associated foundation. It consists of 35 organisations from 22 countries within and outside the EU. Representative of the broad diversity of Europe’s political left, it is accepted as an autonomous partner of the EL as well of the national left parties.

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