A warm greeting to all women, to those struggling for a gender-just world in which men and women can live in peace, social security, freedom, and self-determination! Particularly in this year, the demand for peace is crucial. War is raging in Europe as well and we are threatened by a terrible escalation: the use of
A warm greeting to all women,
to those struggling for a gender-just world in which men and women can live in peace, social security, freedom, and self-determination!
Particularly in this year, the demand for peace is crucial. War is raging in Europe as well and we are threatened by a terrible escalation: the use of nuclear weapons. The reactions to the effects of the war also threaten to bring more hunger and suffering as well as a further escalation of the climate catastrophe. The already meagre achievements in combating the climate catastrophe are in danger of being erased again.
There can be nothing without peace. But peace within capitalism is fragile because the class antagonisms and the accumulation of capital on which our society is based remain even when the weapons are silenced – as does patriarchy, i.e., those modes of production and life which constantly produce the manifold oppressions of women.
We as radical leftists in Europe therefore stand for a good life for all women, free from fear of the future, from hunger, need, war, and climate catastrophe, in peace and social security.
We know that this utopia can only become reality in a fundamentally different society. Our Realpolitik is therefore guided by the effort to achieve:
– equal participation of women in all areas of society, consistent equality of women, in the workplace, in politics, in the education system, in the media;
– statutory minimum wages;
– equal pay for work of equal value;
– equal share of care- and reproductive work between men and women;
– effective protection for those women who become victims of violence – knowing that discrimination, misogyny, and violence arise from material and symbolic inequality;
– enabling self-determination over one’s own body, which includes the right to abortion;
– equality regardless of gender and sexual orientation, of women, men, transgender, intersex, and non-binary people, without posing one gender or way of life as the norm. Family is where people take responsibility for each other, no matter what form of community they live in;
– a radical reduction of working time with full pay;
– self-determined time, which makes it possible – as Frigga Haug has advocated – to have sufficient time for work to benefit society, time for family and friends, for political activity, and above all for leisure!
Gender relations are relations of production. A good life for all women means overcoming capitalism and patriarchy.
We wish everyone a militant International Women’s Day!
For further reading:
– Walter Baier, Rosa Luxemburg: Utopian or Explorer?