Together We Can Put an End to the Problems of Debt and Austerity

Report of the Conference in Brussels on 10 April 2014

On 10 April 2014, the Party of the European Left and transform! europe jointly organized an international conference that brought together economists, civil society activists and politician to discuss alternative solutions to the debt crisis.

Maxime Benatouil (transform! europe) compiled a report, based on notes taken at the Conference and on some contributions kindly provided by the speakers. The report follows the conference’s structure and is therefore divided into the four following sections: analysis, objectives, other experiences from Latin America/Iceland, proposals.

Download the pdf on the left.

The conference contributed to deepen the debate about alternative solutions to austerity, as well as to the overcoming of the debt crisis and its cynical use for imposing neoliberal transformation processes. As it appeared at the event, solving the debt problem alone won’t be enough to revitalize the economy – which requires to develop alternatives with regards to taxation, wealth distribution, and investments in favour of a new model of social and ecological development.

A booklet gathering the speakers’ contributions will be issued this summer.

Find already now a collection of papers here.

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