ESF Istanbul 2010: Analysis and Reports

transform!europe participated in the 6th European Social Forum held in Istanbul, July 2010.  The seminars co- organised by transform!europe were: Which political answer to the crisis ? Analysis of the car industry crisis: what kind of social and ecological reconversion do we need? What can be a left perspective of ecology? The gender question in

transform!europe participated in the 6th European Social Forum held in Istanbul, July 2010. 

The seminars co- organised by transform!europe were:

  • Which political answer to the crisis ?
  • Analysis of the car industry crisis: what kind of social and ecological reconversion do we need?
  • What can be a left perspective of ecology?
  • The gender question in the economical crisis
  • The neoliberal reform of higher eduacation: student struggles of the last period
  • What "the Greek crisis" revealed. Beyond the Lisbon Treaty?
  • After the social and political "Greek crisis", how to build another Europe?
  • Economy and Democracy::How the lack of democracy causes the crisis of economy.How the promotion of democracy will promote a social economy
  • Link between social and environmental crises – The transition to a different economic model 
  • Anti-crisis programs of left and social movments: a comparative analysis 
  • Finally we are all P. I. G.S.? (Europe in crisis)

transform! has been associated to the seminar:

  • The ESF, the global crisis and the European policies. Which challenges for the movements?

Please download from the right

  • the transform! special edition
  • analysis, reports and output
  • inputs and sources of the seminars
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