transform! europe at Various Press Festivals

In September transform! europe has been present at several festivals of left-wing party-newspapers in Paris, Vienna, and Prague, with stands and a series of debates on urgent European issues. Fête de l’Humanité Paris, 14-16 September Without a doubt, three months after the French elections the Fête de l’Humanité was a great success. The eight organisations

In September transform! europe has been present at several festivals of left-wing party-newspapers in Paris, Vienna, and Prague, with stands and a series of debates on urgent European issues.

Fête de l’Humanité

Paris, 14-16 September

Without a doubt, three months after the French elections the Fête de l’Humanité was a great success. The eight organisations which by now make up the Front de Gauche were present. There were many foreign delegations and members of the Party of the European Left. The cultural programme was impressive and there were several dozen debates. One of the major questions was mobilising against the future European budget treaty (TSCG) two weeks away from the 30 September demonstration which will be characterised by a very broad unity. The campaign is aimed at impeding the ratification of the treaty or, failing this, at making it illegitimate in relation to the commitments made by the present government. For the Front de Gauche, put to the test for the first time after two years without elections, this will also be a first trial of its capacity to act, an occasion to mobilise its teams of activists and learn to militate together. Another issue at the core of the debates was the appreciation of governmental action – very insufficient not only for left activists, many trade unionists and social protagonists, but also for a growing part of the population. The rhythms of politics are visibly accelerating as important demonstrations are being prepared four months after the coming into power of a left-wing government. If the slogan of Hollande’s campaign was “change is now”, concrete experience shows that change is won through social and political struggles.
At the festival transform! europe was present with a stand at the Village du Livre and as co-organiser of several debates on burning issues, notably on Europe, democracy and the struggles against the extreme Right. More than 65 copies of our journal were sold, representing clear progress in comparison to last year.

Summer School of Front de Gauche:

transform! europe participated also in Front de Gauche’s “Estivales” (Grenoble, 25-26 August) with a stand and organizing a workshop on the development of European political landscape in the field of the Left in the crisis, with Philippe Marlière (London) and Elisabeth Gauthier (Paris) as speakers.


Vienna, 1-2 September

In cooperation with the Party of the European Left, transform! was present with a stand and co-organizing three panel discussions with participation of Walter Baier (coordinator of transform!), Gilles Garnier (PCF), Giorgos Karatsioubanis (Synaspismos and EL) and Lorenzo Battisti (PdCI), amongst others.

Haló Noviny

Prague, 21-22 September

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