14 November: ETUC Day of Action and Solidarity

In its meeting on 17 October 2012 the executive committee of ETUC took a very important decision (as a consequence of an announced General strike in several European countries): The ETUC calls for a day of action and solidarity on 14 November 2012, including strikes, demonstrations, rallies and other actions, mobilising the European trade union

In its meeting on 17 October 2012 the executive committee of ETUC took a very important decision (as a consequence of an announced General strike in several European countries):

The ETUC calls for a day of action and solidarity on 14 November 2012, including strikes, demonstrations, rallies and other actions, mobilising the European trade union movement behind ETUC policies as set down in the Social Compact for Europe. The Spanish, the Portuguese, the Greek, the Cypriot and the Maltese trade union confederations have announced General strikes against austerity and the Troika’s dictate. Other countries may join in the movement.

In its declaration the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) expresses its strong opposition to the austerity measures that are dragging Europe into economic stagnation, indeed recession, as well as the continuing dismantling of the European social model. These measures, far from re-establishing confidence, only serve to worsen imbalances and foster injustice.
For the full declaration refer to: www.etuc.org/a/10439 Find information on events across the UK in solidarity with the European day of action against austerity here 

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