14N Day in Italy

On 14 November European mobilization in Italy has been divided into different events in major cities such as Milan, Turin, Genoa, and Rome. The demonstrations had many participants. The march in Rome brought together unions that joined the general strike (CGIL and Cobas) and students taking the streets with tens of thousands of young people

On 14 November European mobilization in Italy has been divided into different events in major cities such as Milan, Turin, Genoa, and Rome. The demonstrations had many participants. The march in Rome brought together unions that joined the general strike (CGIL and Cobas) and students taking the streets with tens of thousands of young people from high school to college.

Only in Rome the march of students was fiercely charged by police departments to prevent a rapprochement to the places of political power. These interventions have been severely criticized by a part of the press and, as always, are more striking than the content of events.

The secretary of CGIL participated in a demonstration in Terni, a city symbol of the Italian factories of heavy production, after which she gave a speech in which she emphasized the disaster of a year with the government of technocrats.


Picture taken from RiotTV: Demonstration Nov 14 in Bologna

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