23 November: 70 Spanish Cities Demonstrate Against the Policy of Cuts

Solidarity messages can be sent to info@altersummit.eu, we will forward them. On 23 November (24 in Andalusia, Catalonia and Asturias), and in the context of a large mobilization in Europe organized by the European Trade Union Confederation, the workers and the general public are called to mobilize for their rights and against the policy of cuts,

Solidarity messages can be sent to info@altersummit.eu, we will forward them.
On 23 November (24 in Andalusia, Catalonia and Asturias), and in the context of a large mobilization in Europe organized by the European Trade Union Confederation, the workers and the general public are called to mobilize for their rights and against the policy of cuts, under the slogan “Use your strength. Let’s change things. Defend public. Defend people. Defend pensions.
More than fifty events roam the streets in different Spanish cities to demand a more just solution out of the crisis. A solution where people are placed at the heart of all policies, and prime the collective good rather than individualism. A solution for social and labor rights of citizens , public services and pensions.
Those will be days of protest and struggle, called by unions, Social Summit, citizens and “mareas” (waves) against a policy of cuts imposed by the EU and supported by the various national governments, including the Spanish, which ignores the citizen and is generating more unemployment, more poverty and more inequality.
More info (in Spanish): http://www.ccoo.es/csccoo/Informacion:Noticias:537388–El_

Felipe Van Keirsbilck
ACV CSC Belgium
+32 478 29 59 50
Coordination: Joint Social Conferencewww.jointsocialconference.eu
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