2nd International Congress Karl Marx

The conference taking place in Lisbon from 24 to 26 October 2013, is organised by Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Cul:tra, transform! europe and Unipop. The deadline for proposals (CfP) has been extended to 30 April.

We intend to call those whose practice and reflection crosses the multiples paths of Marxism, and engage them in a wide reflection on the possible uses of Marx and Marxism(s) for social and historical analysis, for political struggle and for philosophical production.
Karl Marx’s work had a considerable impact during the last 150 years, inspiring several efforts of critical interpretation of modernity and capitalism. Marx’s appropriations, however, are not limited to his theoretical proposals, as they were developed by the Marxian tradition. Today, as throughout the 20th century, Marxism is also the name of several distinct movements struggling for the abolition of the present state of things, in the name of other, more egalitarian, forms of organising life in common.
With the 2nd International Karl Marx Congress, to be held in Lisbon from 24 to 26 October 2013, we intend to call those whose practice and reflection crosses the multiples paths of Marxism, and engage them in a wide reflection on the possible uses of Marx and Marxism(s) for social and historical analysis, for political struggle and for philosophical production. We welcome contributions coming from economy, politics, history, philosophy, from militant experience as well as from the other disciplines from the social sciences and the humanities.
In this sense, we understand that the relevance of Marxism goes well beyond the historical and geographical circumstances of its origin, being exposed to constant actualizations and renewals, as a result of its uses. We intend to discuss, in this congress, the way Marx and the several Marxisms were claimed and interpreted in non-European contexts, but also the appropriation and transformation of many of its categories in the context of feminist and ecological struggles, the renewal of the critique of political economy in the current context of crisis, the new debates around the idea of communism, and the interpretation of emerging social movements and mobilizations.
We accept individual proposals, as well as proposals of panels (3 participants) until 30 April 2013, in EnglishPortuguese or Spanish, which should be sent to the congressomarx2013@gmail.com The proposals should have a maximum of 750 words and will be selected anonymously by the scientific committee. The results will be communicated until 26 April 2013.
The registration, for those whose proposal is accepted, will have a cost of 40€ (20€ for students and persons without income).
Key-note Speakers: Antonio Negri, Bruno Bosteels, Francisco Louçã, Judith Revel, Nuno Nabais, Paula Godinho, and Statis Kouvelakis.  
Convenors: Bruno Peixe Dias, Fernando Rosas, Irina Castro, José Neves, José Soeiro, Miguel Cardina, and Ricardo Noronha.

Official Website: http://www.ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/agenda/item/35044-ii-congresso-internacional-karl-marx

website: http://cultra.pt/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cultra/298163613568774

For any questions, please refer to: congressomarx2013@gmail.com

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