8 and 9 May 2020 mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War

Read the statement of Heinz Bierbaum, President of the party of the European Left.

“On May 8 and also May 9 (Day of Victory) we celebrate the end of the World War II and the liberation from fascism. Reminding these historical days today after 75 years is highly actual.

We are celebrating the victory over fascism, but its spirit is still alive. Nationalism and racism are rising across Europe and worldwide. Orbán in Hungary, Bolsonaro in Brasil or Trump in the US are illustrative examples. The 75th anniversary of the liberation must urge us to intensify our opposition against the tendencies of nationalism and racism. We must concentrate all our efforts on stopping and reversing populist narratives and thus the spread of discrimination and bias-motivated violence.

The Party of European Left opposes discrimination against refugees, Jews, Muslims, Roma, Sinti and other discriminated groups and rises their voice in the debate for a Europe for the many, not the few. We want a world where everyone can be respected without fear or hatred, has the same rights, and the social support they need.

The commemoration of the liberation day is for us a commitment to antifascism and peace. There are heavy military conflicts in many parts of the world. Instead of military spendings we need investments in favour of healthcare systems and other necessary public services. ​The corona crisis makes the failure of the neoliberal policy evident and brings dramatic consequences for healthcare and other public services. It’s absolutely necessary to improve the health sector by creating a European Healthcare Fund and to change politics towards public welfare.

We are facing an armament race, including nuclear weapons. This has to be stopped. Instead of investing in wars, we need new policy that allows participation in society for everyone based on access to necessary services. We need good healthcare, not bombs! It’s time for an initiative for a new policy of détente.”

Heinz Bierbaum,
President of the European Left

Originally published at the website of the party of the European Left

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