8th Summer University in Porto, July 2013

About 300 persons participated in the 8th Summer University of the European Left Party (EL) and transform! europe, which took place in the Estadio do Dragao in Porto, Portugal, from 3 to 6 July 2013.

In cooperation with the Portuguese EL member party Bloco de Esquerda, the Summer University aimed to gather young activists and members of parties and social movements from all over Europe, for debates on current political and social issues.
During the workshops and plenaries, participants shared experiences and discussed policies and initiatives for the construction of an alternative Europe.

transform! took care of collecting reports on various seminars and workshops, the result is the Documentation (on the right). The responsibility for the content of the reports stays with the respective authors.

Many thanks to all who contributed to this documentation!

See the latest version of the programme here

Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Gender Day organized by the EL-FEM Network
Seminar 1: Feminist Perspectives on Economy and Ecology
Seminar 2: Violence and Patriarchy: Religious Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights

Thursday, 4 July 2013
Seminar 1: Regional and urban left policies
Seminar 2: The evolution of the Left parties in Europe
Seminar 3: After the Alter Summit: perspectives for unitary action
Seminar 4: Employment policy, European Trade Union movement and the future of labour
Workshop: Are quota policies a priority of gender democracy? Left feminist perspectives and experiences
Seminar 5: Peace and security: One century of world wars. Present conflicts. The role of Europe

Friday, 5 July 2013
Seminar 6: Public services and the Social State
Seminar 7: Productive reconstruction of industry, agriculture and fisheries in Europe
Workshop: Left municipalities’ experiences: social policies
Workshop: What is a feminist party? Women and the Left
Workshop: Water privatization
Workshop: What is a left think tank about – transform! europe and cul:tra present themselves
Workshop: Populism and far Right in Europe
Workshop: Lgbit-rights and fighting homophobia
Workshop: Culture of the oppressed
Seminar 8: Out of the debt crisis: new role of ECB and public banking sector in financing the economy

Saturday, 6 July 2013
Seminar 9: Common sense and the fight for cultural hegemony
Seminar 10: Environmental policies and ecosocialism
Workshop: Left municipalities’ experiences: free public transport
Workshop: The situation in Central and Eastern Europe
Workshop: Solidarity networks
Workshop: Basic Income Citizen Initiative in Europe
Workshop: The struggle about history
Workshop: European students movements
Workshop: Left municipalities’ experiences: free public transport
Seminar 11: Strategic choices of the Left in Europe

Picture gallery by Gema Delgado, find the whole album on facebook

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