About transform! europe

transform! is a network of 29 European organizations from 20 countries, active in the field of political education and critical scientific analysis, and is the recognized corresponding political foundation of the European Left Party (EL).

This collaboration of independent non-profit organizations, institutes, foundations and people means to utilize their work to contribute to peaceful relations among people and to a transformation of the present world.

Overcoming war, dominance of capital, social injustice, patriarchy, imperial rule and militarism as well as racism, working towards the establishment of an association in which the uninhibited development of each and every person is condition for the uninhibited development of all shall represent the highest goals of this undertaking. The equality of all people and their solidarity represent the most important values transform! is based on.

When the discussion points towards the democratic and social dimension which must be incorporated in to the Europe of tomorrow, it can only be continued with the people of the Middle and Eastern European countries. The role of civil and social organizations has to be strengthened in order to be strong pillars of the construct of a pan-European Union. It is important to involve everyone into the European integration process and an initial step is the establishment of the European network transform! which combines leftist and socialist intellectuals and will accompany the reformation and integration process of the EU expansion through communication and recommendation. 

The members of the transform! network coordinate their scientific and educational work, carry out in cooperation theoretical and educational events, organize discourses regarding chief issues of the democratic left in Europe and in the whole world, they work together on publications and educational materials and work towards an intercontinental dialogue of the Left and its scientific and educational institutions.

transform! represents an open network. Member can become who supports the goals and accepts the commitments of transform! and who is found able and willing to be actively involved in purporting the ideals and values as agreed upon by all members.

The Board is elected by the Members’ Assembly for a period of two years.

Walter Baier (Austria)Marga Ferré (Spain)Haris Golemis (Greece)Cornelia Hildebrandt (Germany)Yann Le Lann (France)Jiri Malek (Czech Republic)Hugo Monteiro (Portugal)Roberto Morea (Italy)Jukka Pietiläinen (Finland)

Political Coordinator: Walter Baier

Scientific & Strategic Advisor: Haris Golemis

f.l.t.r.:  Hugo Monteiro, Haris Golemis, Marga Ferré, Roberto Morea, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Walter Baier, Jukka Pietiläinen, Jiri Malek

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