Britain on the Way to Joining the transform! europe Network

The first issue of Britain’s new ‘Transform’ journal has been published and is receiving a great response: copies are flying off the shelves! Alongside its European counterparts our new journal aims to strengthen and develop the politics of the radical left – and this has never been more important in Britain than now.

With a right-wing Conservative government pursuing a hard Brexit, with an increasingly anti-immigrant narrative, we have drawn together activists and intellectuals to help provide a theoretical basis to advance the left in this new political context. The first issue’s wide-ranging contents address key issues on a global and national level, from Trump to Brexit, from left populism to world capitalist crisis.

As we engage more people in the debates here in Britain, we will also be working more closely with European partners and joining transform! working groups. As we often say – the problems we face are not just national problems and they cannot be solved on a national basis. So we look forward to increased cooperation and dialogue with the radical left across Europe!

Transform: A Journal of the Radical Left

Contents Issue 1

  • The World According to Trump / Jude Woodward
  • Latin America and the European Left / Francisco Dominguez
  • The Fashion-Celebrity Nexus: a new opiate of the people? / Interview with Tansy Hoskins
  • The Permanent Debt Economy: towards a new Marxist understanding of the world capitalist crisis / Neil Faulkner
  • Left Populism: the challenges from grassroots to electoral politics / Marina Prentoulis and Lasse Thomassen
  • Northern Ireland and the Brexit Wrecking Ball / Joseph Healy
  • Right wing putsch, escalating racism, deepening austerity: the real meaning of Brexit / Phil Hearse

See further details here.

See Transform founding statement and editorial board here.

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