Commemoration of Frantz Fanon

On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of his Death. This event, organised at the University of French Guiana, by the Frantz Fanon Circle in Martinique and in cooperation with transform! europe and Espaces Marx, brought together 40 speakers from the entire world (Japan, Bolivia, Colombia, the United States, India, Senegal, Italy, France, Algeria, Porto

On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of his Death.
This event, organised at the University of French Guiana, by the Frantz Fanon Circle in Martinique and in cooperation with transform! europe and Espaces Marx, brought together 40 speakers from the entire world (Japan, Bolivia, Colombia, the United States, India, Senegal, Italy, France, Algeria, Porto Rico and all the countries of the Caribbean). Three hundred persons took part in this meeting of great relevance. 
The first inputs analysed Fanon’s writings in the fields of psychiatry and literature. The second day was dedicated to questions of race, culture, civilization but also dealt with Fanon and the Arab world. The third day permitted viewing contemporary crises through Fanon’s eyes.
What makes Fanon very topical even today is his concept of “mental disalienation”. This concept which he understood as the alienation of the colonized and of the colonizer at the same time is a double one. For this double approach, he unceasingly addresses both the coloniser and the colonised and promotes the process of their liberation. This concept of disalienation as a process can be applied to different modes of domination: colonial, neoliberal, patriarchal. His modernity rests in his addressing both the peoples of the North and the South. He invites us to find convergences for building a new universalism overcoming all forms of domination. An author and a protagonist of great timelessness!

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