Coronavirus Special Issue | Transform (UK) Journal #8 Out Now

transform! europe’s member organization Transform (UK) proudly presents the latest issue of its journal.

Table of Contents

Editorial: Solidarity with the Uprising, Michael Wongsam
No Going Back: the pandemic theses, Andrew Burgin
Venezuela: fighting Coronavirus and US aggression, Francisco Dominguez
South Africa: the coming storm in health and state, David Hemson

Value, Joy Johnson
Greece in the time of the coronavirus, Dimitris Karellas and Stamatis Vardaros
Race, Class and Covid-19 – Not an equal opportunities contagion, Harshad Keval
The Virus Hits an Ill-Prepared Europe
, Roberto Musacchio
A public inquiry on the UK government coronavirus response is necessary and urgent, Laura Parker and Andrea Pisauro
How to tackle the next big crisis: climate breakdown?, Ann Pettifor
Facing the COVID-19 Crisis in Poland, Gavin Rae
Lives or livelihoods?, Michael Roberts
If you try to cheat reality expect catastrophe – the difference in China’s and US’ responses to coronavirus, John Ross
The natural world and Covid-19, Allan Todd
From aeroplane wings to ventilator parts, Hilary Wainwright
Reorganise the whole economy to fight the virus, Tom Walker

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