Demonstrations and Protest After Funeral of Berkin Elvan

First information from 12 March on the funeral of the 14-year-old Berkin Elvan in Istanbul and the following demonstration and protests and police violence.

Unfortunately we would like to inform you that Berkin Elvan (14) who was shot by police on 15th June 2013, died yesterday (11th March) after staying at coma for 269 days.
On that morning he was going out from his home to buy a piece of bread but there had been protests against government and police forces had been using violence. One police, who have not found until today, shot him with pepper gas capsule which is ought to be thrown to the air not over people.
Today DISK and KESK declared general strike after 12 noon in Istanbul and in all factories in Turkey DISK members did a moment of silence at noon break.
Universities and colleges also were boycotted by students.
Funeral started at 12 noon and after a five hours ceremony, Berkin was given to the soil. Millions participated to the funeral which have been the most massive funeral ceremony of the history of Turkey.
Last night and tonight there are protests in all cities of Turkey and in most cities police attacks over people. there are clashes. There are many injured people. People are very sad and very angry.
People chant slogans as "Berkin is immortal", "Government resign", "Erdogan is killer and thief", "our children die for bread, your children steal millions of dollars" "unite against fascism".
People also protest the recent corruption and bribery scandals that were directed by PM Erdogan and all government’s attempts to stop judiciary investigations and cencorship on social media. So at this conjuncture, dying of a child motivated millions of people pouring to streets. People ask for justice.
It is also important to mention that the local elections will be on 30th March and society was highly polarized and there are signs of provocations.

In solidarity
Emre Eren Korkmaz

Textile Workers Union/Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey

Director of Organization and International Relations

Istanbul University Faculty of Political Sciences

International Relations Doctorate Program

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