Egon-Matzner-Award for Socio-Economics 2014

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Centre of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy at the Vienna University of Technology, the Egon-Matzner-Award for Socio-Economics was established in 2012; it will be conferred on 12th June 2014 for the third time.

Egon Matzner (1938-2003) was Professor of Socio-Economics, Public Finance and Infra-structure Policy at the Vienna University of Technology’s Centre of Public Finance and In-frastructure Policy from 1972 until his retirement in 1998. He is remembered by many as an innovative thinker, always with an open mind with regard to new topics in economics, especially in the fields of socio-economics, public finance and infrastructure policy, with a clear political vision and he always retained a critical distance. Professor Matzner had a great influence on several generations of planners and scientists, and was always very supportive towards talented students.
The Egon-Matzner-Award will be presented to young scientists (up to 35 years of age) for their scientific publications (namely contributions to journals or monographs issued by international scientific publishers) and for excellent diploma, master or doctoral theses. In particular, studies in the following thematic fields can be submitted: 

  • Socio-economics, heterodox economics
  • Evolutionary economics
  • Institutional economics
  • Public finance and fiscal federalism
  • Infrastructure economics and policy

Studies will be preferred that especially 

  • include practical and empirical problems on strong theoretical foundations,
  • go beyond schools of thought and paradigms, and/or
  • present interdisciplinary perspectives.

The submitted works should have been published recently (2012-2014). The award is endowed with a premium of EUR 1,000 and can be shared, in the event of parity, by the authors of excellent publications. The award is funded by the revenues of the Centre of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy. The submitted works can be written in German or English. The prize will be awarded based on the decisions made by an international jury, and will be handed over at the annual conference to be held at the Centre of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy on 12th June 2014, in Vienna. Award winners are asked to present their work personally in a short presentation at the conference.
Submissions including the author’s CV have to be sent electronically to; for further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Michael Getzner, Vienna University of Technology, Resselgasse 5, 1040 Vienna, Austria (
The deadline for submissions is 1 April 2014. The jury’s decision will be made known by the middle of May, 2014. 
Find the pdf of the call on the right at "Documentation".

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