“Euro in Debate – Future of the Euro?”

transform! is publishing a selection of controversial contributions dealing with a current debate concerning the future of the Euro.

The crisis in the European countries of the South has increasingly caused dramatic social consequences. The Euro-Zone as a whole is in recession. Political risks regarding the future of European integration as well as democracy are becoming ever more evident.
transform! is continuously publishing controversial contributions dealing with the current debate concerning the future of the Euro.
New contributions:

  • D. Albarracín, N. Álvarez, B. Medialdea, F. Louçã, M. Mortagua, S. Tombazos, G. Galanis, Ö. Onaran, M. Husson: What to do about the Debt and the Euro? A Manifesto
  • Frédéric Lordon: Sortir de l’euro, mais comment ?
  • Pierre Khalfa: The Bewitching World of the Single Currency. Regarding the Article by Frédéric Lordon
  • P. Boccara, F. Boccara, Y. Dimicoli, D. Durand, J.-M. Durand, C. Mills: Against Austerity in Europe – Let us fight for another Euro!

Further authors: Elmar Altvater, Walter Baier, Michael Brie, Mario Candeias, Oskar Lafontaine, Costas Lapavitsas/Heiner Flassbeck, Francisco Louçã, Elena Papadopoulou, Bernd Riexinger, Yanis Varoufakis/Stuart Holland, and Axel Troost.

You can find the contributions on our homepage in the section Programmes.
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