EuroMemo Group Discussion Paper Series

The EuroMemo Group has successfully launched its Discussion Paper Series with the first issue in July 2017. Scientists are invited to make critical contributions to the discussions on the ongoing developments within the European project. The series is being financially supported by transform! europe.

Against the backdrop of the Group’s mission to critically assess socio-economic developments in the European Union and to propose policies that promote full employment, social justice and ecological sustainability, the EuroMemo Group Discussion Paper Series is intended to open up discussions on currently relevant issues that are controversially debated within the left. The EuroMemo Group Discussion Papers are complementary to the annual EuroMemorandum that reflects the consensus of the Group.

The first issue Debate on the Eurozone: a New Contribution from France. Notes on Aglietta and Leron, The Double Democracy: a Political Europe for Growth is authored by John Grahl, member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group and professor of European Integration at Middlesex University. In his paper he looks closely at the recent book by the eminent economist Michel Aglietta and his co-author Nicolas Leron which reveals the necessity of deep changes in the EU and the eurozone, denied by dominant economic and political groups for many years. By developing an original and interesting synthesis of economic and political analysis in which the proposed reforms are presented, the book arguably makes a very useful contribution to the debate on a re-foundation of the European project.

Call for Proposals

Produced by members and partners of the EuroMemo Group, the Discussion Papers will be published regularly online with the goal of provoking discussion among academics, politically active people, NGOs and trade unions alike. Economists, social and political scientists, including young scholars and students, are invited to send proposals to

The Discussion Paper Series is published on the website of the EuroMemo Group under this link.

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