European Forum 2021 – Videos and Recordings

Get an overview on the discussions at the 2021 European Forum, a unique space where the left, greens and progressives can come together and discuss on ways to built another future for Europe.

This year’s Forum was held in Brussels and online on 26 and 27 November. Starting on 15 November, a number of online events took place in the framework of the Forum, like the presentation of the study “Hundred Shades of EU”, commissioned by transform! europe.



Hundred Shades of EU: Mapping the Political Economy of Euro Peripheries

The study is conducted by transform! europe with the support of the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation and aims at characterizing at the socio-economic, political, and cultural levels the current existing peripheries within the European Union. The full study will be published in the first quarter of 2022.

Read the full report:
Hundred Shades of the EU – Mapping the Political Economy of Euro Peripheries


Opening session: The big challenges for the future of Europe

Jeremy Corbyn, former leader of the Labour Party
Dorothy Guerrero, Global Justice Now, COP26 Coalition
Chloé Meulewaeter, International Peace Bureau
Monica Valente, Executive Secretariat of the Forum of São Paulo

Plenary: Economic and social issues after the pandemic

Heinz Bierbaum, President of the Party of the European Left
Martin Schirdewan, Co-Chair of the Left in the EP
Julie Steendam, No profit on pandemic’ campaign, Belgium
Conny Hildebrandt, Co-President of transform! europe and Co-Editor

Plenary: Strategies for Democracy and Peace in Dangerous Times – Common struggles against the far right, militarisation and for real democracy in a global crisis

Barbara Steiner, Director of transform! europe
Kostis Papaioannou, Director of Signal, researching the far right
David Rinaldi, Director of Studies & Policy at the FEPS (Foundations for European Progressive Studies)

Plenary: One decade to save the planet. What now?

Zakia Khattabi, Minister of Climate, Belgium
Rossella Muroni, Independent MP, Member of Environment Committee, Italy
Diego Pary Rodríguez, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bolivia

Culture Assembly

Olga Athaniti, Coordinator of the EL Culture Network
Juha-Pekka Väisänen, Chairperson of the Finnish Communist Party (SKP)

Youth Assembly

Kathi Gebel, Coordinator of The European Left Youth Network
Vincenzo Colaprice, International Department Young Communist, Italy
Armeline Videcoq-Bard, Union des Etudiant·e·s Communistes, France
Caoimhín McCann, Youth organisation of Sinn Féin
Spyros Kasapis, Member of the Central Committee of the Youth Syriza

Women Assembly

Cristina Simo, Communist Party of Spain
Clara Serra, Lawyer, Association “Stop Violències”, Andorra
Michelle Urquiza, Sororidad sin fronteras, Mexico

Trade Unionists’ Assembly

Enrique Carmona, Head of Brussels Office, CCOO

Closing of the Forum

José Luis Centella, President of the Spanish Communist Party

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