“Even upon the sacrifice of my life, I will fight against gender studies.” Joint public exhortations are made in Hungarian Catholic churches

Gender – the new enemy of the Hungarian government, church-certified;

The new enemy is Gender. A word, most Hungarians don’t understand. The Hungarian government needs enemies. Permanent, but also new enemies. Enemies from whom Fidesz will protect "the people." But fear will dissolve after a certain time nothing happens. The genre of frightening is very simple. The point is the continuous repetition of a message. The content is not really important. If the new massage will be projected on thousands of giant posters, lamp columns, trains, busses, all over the country, the result will come. Stop Brussels, Stop Soros, No Migrants. Simple minded short messages, built upon basic susceptibility. For them fear from otherness, or from anything that is not like “us”, is a tool of manipulation.

But before people get tired of the last serial enemy, the open minded counselors will find new ones. This time, the new target is Gender. László Kövér, the president of the Hungarian parliament, declared way back in 2015 at the Fidesz party congress, that: "We do not want gender insanity". Kövér called on women to give birth, and gender studies soon been attacked.

Without any previous consultation with experts or a broader discussion within the society, the government plans to ban gender studies at universities. The process is supported now by a mobilization of the rightist hierarchy of Catholic church. In this new field the warriors don’t even need giant posters. The massages are coming from the pulpits. This is an old tool, but was not used for many years. Priests are reading out the messages, convincing, and inviting the believers to participate. To participate in a publicly made oath at the usual local church.

The oath is read, and the vow is kept by the faithful believers in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The swearing is still optional, but the authors express their hopes that it will soon be compulsory for couples, priests and bishops.

So it starts:

 "I promise and accept, that I commit myself with a holy oath that with my full conviction, to your glory, to save people with all my full strength, in every moment I despise, condemn all the theories of gender ideology and will fight against it at even on the cost of scarification of my life.

1. I condemn the misguided downsizing ideology, in which man regardless of one’s biological origin  can change one’s gender,  psyche and social field in order to transform itself biologically.

2. I condemn all type of dissemination of this perverse, this evil and Satanic sick ideology: in the political life, in education, in field of medicine and healing, in the media, in the use of words, dressing, behaving and in and in all kind of manifestation."

The above intolerant text clearly shows, that the Hungarian Roman Catholic Church is politically driven, they are not tolerant with rights of woman, it intimidates sexual minorities and gives no tolerance to gender-based thinking.

Further Information

Declaration of the president of the Hungarian Sociological Society (10th August 2018) on the government proposal (quoted by: ministers Dr. Miklós Kásler and Dr. László Trócsányi) on the modification of educational regulations (registration number: 42294/2018) and

The declaration of professor Sue Scott, (FAcSS) President of the European Sociological Association (14th August 2018) sent to The Prime minister of Hungary, Mr. Victor Orbán.

Problems around (social) gender. Ágnes Huszár. In: Life and Literature, 24th August 2018.  

Antigenderista eskü. In: Katolikus Válasz (24th August 2017);

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