Global migration crisis and Europe: Whose crisis is it?

INTERSECTIONS.EEJSP, an online quarterly published by the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has recently issued a call for papers on the current questions regarding migration.

The global refugee crisis in 2015 has become a central theme of public life in Europe, and it is most likely that it will remain at the top of the agenda in 2016 as well. This is usually explained by its unprecedented volume and the circumstances of how non-EU citizens have crossed EU borders. Refugee reception systems have not been able to handle the large number of asylum-seekers, and their failure questions existing legal and policy frameworks within the EU, one of the wealthiest political entities in the world.
How unique this situation is in global or historical perspectives is a matter of debate. Different waves of massive migration have been part and parcel of European history. Looking at migration in a global context we must acknowledge the existence of substantially larger migrant populations fleeing violent conflict zones. Migration that is presented as a crisis and as the most important problem of the EU may be attributed to causes that are not necessarily related to migration. Therefore, the ‘migration crisis’ discourse may reflect other fundamental problems in European societies.
INTERSECTIONS.EEJSP calls for papers that analyse social, political and legal problems related to migration focusing primarily (but not exclusively) on the following topics:

  • Legal and political response to refugee crises in and outside of Europe
  • Divergent tendencies in national migration policies reflecting the crisis of the EU
  • Changes in social attitudes and practices of solidarity concerning immigrants and asylum seekers in Europe (with special emphasis on its semi-peripheries)
  • Ethnic competition among South and East European and third country labour migrants and the local working class
  • Social explanations of intercultural conflicts including different perceptions of gender roles
  • The virtual reality of the migration-crisis: the role of new media

The Special Issue is edited by guest editor Prem Kumar Rajaram (CEU), Margit Feischmidt and Nóra Kovács (Intersections.EEJSP).
Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. We encourage scholars to submit an abstract of 600-800 words including a short bio and the description of the main question(s) and finding(s) of the paper together with the methodology applied (if relevant) by 15 April, 2016 through our online submission system. Authors will receive feedback from the editorial team by 30 April, 2016.
The deadline for submitting the final papers is 1 September, 2016.

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