Greece: Who is afraid of democracy?

Ever since last January, the Greek people has been subjected to unbearable pressure and blackmail from the European institutions, Eurozone governments and the International Monetary Fund.

They refused to respect the verdict of the polls and the democratic election of a new government which is proposing credible alternatives to austerity policies imposed by the financial sector.  
Ever since his elections, the newly elected Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has been challenging austerity packages affecting millions of Greek citizens. He proposes economic and social measures together with reforms aiming at a fairer distribution of wealth in order to foster genuine social justice, equal rights, political and fiscal transparency – in a word, democracy. The increase in the minimum wage, the restoration of pensions’ thirteen month, the strengthening of public services, the development of housing and education policies belong to the urgent measures that the Greek people needs.  
But first there must be a moratorium on debt servicing, so that the retained amount can be allocated to economic recovery and that the repayment of the debt doesn’t hinder the very possibility of economic recovery. This requires also the recapitalisation of banks, without recognising these sums into the country’s public debt.  
Since several months, the Greek government and the European institutions have engaged in a “negotiation” to find a way to solve the crisis. Compromises were accepted, and the reform calendar was revised. But as a conclusion, what Merkel, Hollande and Lagarde are proposing is a true diktat. To them, only one solution: submission to banks’ demands!  
Referring to the people, it’s only natural! That is exactly what the Greek Prime Minister is proposing by holding a referendum on July 5th. However, once again, this democratic act is contested. It is as if the best solution would be to let the European Council decides on the question that will be submitted to the Greek people.  
Behind the pressure exerted on the Greek people, that is all the citizens of Europe that they want to gag! The IMF and the European leaders want to make an example out of Greece, an example for all those who want to break with this austeritarian logic and to make another voice heard. They are jeopardising the very principle of democracy!
The General Confederation of Labour (CGT – France) condemns this blackmail and supports once again the Greek people and workers. In Greece as in France, we demand a genuine social and political democracy that gives a voice to the workers in their companies and to the citizens in their country.
That’s why the CGT calls the workers to massively take part in the gathering that will take place in Paris on Thursday 2nd July, Bastille Square, at 6:30pm, as well as in all the forthcoming demonstrations in France. 

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