Housing For All

Housing is a human right and not a commodity. A European Citizens’ Initiative demands better EU legislation for affordable, public and social housing in Europe.

The purpose of this European Citizens’ Initiative is to bring about better legal and financial framework conditions to facilitate access to housing for everyone in Europe.

The initiative urges the EU to take action to facilitate access to housing for everyone in Europe. This includes:

  • easier access for all to affordable, public and social housing,
  • not applying the Maastricht criteria to public investment in affordable, public and social housing,
  • better access to EU funding for public and non-profit housing developers,
  • social, competition-based rules for short-term rentals and
  • the compilation of statistics on housing needs in Europe on local level.

Click here to sign the Initiative;

For further information, please see: https://www.housingforall.eu/;

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