Call for Tenders 1: Hundred Shades of the European Union – Mapping the Political Economy of the EU Peripheries.

transform! europe and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung are launching a long-term study into the socio-economic and political comprehensive understanding of the complex European Union peripheries, from different perspectives and with the use of comparative analysis.

This study aims to constitute a relevant tool for the discussion of the future of "European integration" and to provide an informed basis for building appropriate radical left policies, both at the national and European Union levels. Ultimately, this research project will also represent a tool for building and fostering cooperation strategies between both regions, promoting coordinated action by European left-wing organisations and political representations.

The process of integrating countries into the European Union has led, over the past decades, to the emergence of two major peripheral regions: the so-called "old periphery" – which encompasses the countries of Southern Europe (SE) – and the "new periphery”, which includes the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). These two regions will be the subject of our comparative analyses.

Study description

In the first stage of the project, we intend to carry out the mapping of each of these EU peripheries, based on socio-economic data, which will serve as a basis for the subsequent research. The data collected will constitute the basis for the second phase of the project: the thorough characterisation of these EU peripheries, the comparative analysis and interpretative study on power asymmetries within the EU and their role in the future of the EU.

For this purpose, we are calling for three applicants – young scholars or researchers – of SE or CEE origin, who will collect the relevant data for each of the EU peripheries within the scope of this study: 

I.  Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries – 2 applicants

  1. mapping area: Baltic region (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Visegrád Group (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary)
  2. mapping area: Balkan Group (Romania, Bulgaria), Western Balkan Group (Slovenia, Croatia)

II.  Southern European (SE) countries – 1 applicant

  1. mapping area: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Cyprus 

The final study will be published online in English and will be primarily used and circulated among left-wing stakeholders, allowing internal discussion and strategy building. The synthesised summary will be published in different languages for the interested public, detailing the current challenges and discussing solutions and alternatives from a leftist perspective. 

For detailed information on the "Hundred shades of the European Union. Mapping the Political Economy of the EU peripheries." research project please see the enclosed document:  Project Description (see ‘Documents’ on the right)


  • Young scholars or researchers from SE or CEE countries with solid professional skills in identifying relevant sources, data collection and analysis. 
  • Relevant work experience in the fields of Sociology and/or Economics, Political Science, History.
  • Sound English language skills.
  • Excellent knowledge of Word and Data processing (Word, Excel).
  • Ability to work in a team. Teamwork experience is added value.
  • Familiarity with leftist positions as well as critical and progressive thinking.
  • Identification with the values and objectives of transform! europe and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.

 Timelines  Deadline for tender submissions: 19th October 2020. 

  • Deadline for tender submissions: 19th October 2020. 
  • Notification of acceptance of the tender: 28th October 2020. 
  • The work is to be carried out between: 1st November 2020 to January 2021.
  • The successful applicant will be obliged to take part in the first research team coordination meeting(s) via ZOOM that take place in week 1-2 of November 2020. 


I. Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries – 2 applicants:

  1. applicant for: Baltic region (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Visegrád Group (Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary), remuneration of EUR 1,000 
  2. applicant for: Balkan Group (Romania, Bulgaria), Western Balkan Group (Slovenia, Croatia), remuneration of EUR 700 

II.  Southern European (SE) countries:

  1. applicant for: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, remuneration of EUR 1,000 

The authors shall be responsible should any tax be imposed on the honorarium. The honorarium is to be paid in two instalments over the contract period. 


Candidates should send their application, including a short C.V. and a letter explaining their motivation for applying, by email to Dagmar Švendová at, putting “APPLICATION: EU peripheries_PART 1” in the subject field. Any questions can be sent by email to the same address.

About us

transform! europe is a network of 35 European organisations from 22 countries, active in the field of political education and critical scientific analysis, and is the recognised political foundation of the Party of the European Left (EL). This cooperative project of independent non-profit organisations, institutes, foundations and individuals intends to use its work in contributing to peaceful relations among peoples and a transformation of the present world.

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is an internationally operating non-profit organisation for civic education affiliated with Germany’s Left Party. It is a discussion forum for progressive political alternatives and a centre for critical thinking and research, both in Germany and throughout the world. The Brussels Office operates as a think tank reflecting on European and international issues affecting contemporary society.

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