IV. International Marxist-Feminist Conference

The IV. International Marxist-Feminist Conference will be held online on the 11, 12 and 13 of November.

Among the keynote speakers are: Tithi Bhattacharya, Lorena Cabnal, Ochy Curiel, Christine Delphy, Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, Elsa Dorlin, Silvia Federici, Nancy Fraser, Frigga Haug, and Danièle Kergoat.

The majority of participants come from both activism, as well as from the academic institutions. They are based in Latin American countries, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

There are two categories of conference sessions:

  1. Key-speakers, world-renowned and historical feminists, will present and debate specific aspects of their works such as the analysis of value, work, social reproduction, racialisation, sexualisation and the state. Moreover, they will also delve into certain dominant theses and practices in the traditional Feminist and Marxist fields, guided by a decolonial, materialist, and ecosocialist feminism.
  2. The collective panels, whose participants and topics will include the spokespersons of the proposals, the organisations and the theories of the Global South, as well as the nations without state of the Global North.

Main themes of the panels:

> Theoretical debates around intersectionality or overlap in various fields, such as value, state, law, subject, care, production and social reproduction; proposed around new organisations and repertoires of struggle and protest.

> Specific case studies, based on examples of struggle, resistance, and organisation. Apart from the various feminist strikes in the global north and south, there will also be time to delve into local and specific resistances – in companies, on the internet, in universities and in the public arena. The new trade unions of women workers in feminised spheres will also be discussed, as well as feminist unionism in the first sector, industrial sector and service sector, including analysis of the current digital and financialised capitalism

> A plenary on the Thirteen Theses of Marxist Feminism with Frigga Haug and other Marxist Feminists,  delving into the various Theses developed at the previous Marxist Feminism Congresses in Austria, Germany, and Sweden.

The conference will be broadcasted via the platform ZOOM. The link will be provided here and on the conference website. Morning panels will be issued in original version and evening plenary sessions will have simultaneous translation.

The Marxist Feminist Conference was initiated by Frigga Haug and is organised by transform! europe, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Iratzar Fundazioa, Critical Theory Bilbo-Barcelona (BIBA CT), Berliner Institut für Kritische Theorie (InkriT), Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Parte Hartuz.

All information regarding the conference is available on the website www.marxfemconference.com and on social networks.

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