Launch of European Progressive Economists Network

One of the most interesting initiatives in the framework of Florence 10+10 last November was the creation of a European network of progressive economists working in various European countries on important economic and social issues.

The initial discussions were held with the participation of representatives from EuroMemo, TNI, Economistes Atterres, Sbilanciamoci, EconNuestra, transform! europe and others and regarded, on the one hand the evaluation of the state of the crisis in Europe, and on the other the most important areas for a collective intervention of the Left in the defence of working people, public goods and the welfare state (the text produced from this first meeting can be found here).
As a result of the follow-up debates the network is now called Euro-PEN (European Progressive Economists Network) and a range of initiatives is being planned under its umbrella for the near future.
transform! europe decided to continue taking actively part in this process and to contribute to the problematics that will be raised in the framework of Euro-PEN,  and to profit from the common work and elaborations that will be produced there.
However, this can only happen with the active engagement and cooperation of economists working inside and around transform! europe. In this sense, we can try to develop a closer communication among us, a more systematic information exchange on our individual (or collective) work, a possibility to co-elaborate working papers for transform! and a way of more fruitful contributions to the discussions taking place in Europe concerning economic issues on a flexible method where everybody can contribute to the working processes in his or her areas of interest and availability.
Some of the issues where transform! could have an important input regard:

  • The evolution of the crisis in the EU
  • The elaboration of left proposals for the alternative exit from the crisis
  • The urgency for a refoundation of Europe: Theoretical approaches on strategic issues

The contribution of everyone who is interested in this initiative will be invaluable for the following “period of trial” in order to support the creation of a space for meaningful debate and active intervention.

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