Left-wing Organizations of Russia call for Solidarity and Support

Comrades! Today, we activists of left-wing organizations of Russia turn to you for solidarity and support! In Russia, an open strife between a broad democratic movement and the corrupted authoritarian oligarchical regime is broken out. The authorities rigged the results of parliament and presidential elections in December 2011 and March 2012 correspondingly. And overpressure during


Today, we activists of left-wing organizations of Russia turn to you for solidarity and support!
In Russia, an open strife between a broad democratic movement and the corrupted authoritarian oligarchical regime is broken out. The authorities rigged the results of parliament and presidential elections in December 2011 and March 2012 correspondingly. And overpressure during the electoral campaign allowed only a few, loyal politicians to take part in the election race.
Demonstrative abuse of civil liberties and democratic rights resulted in mass street protest which was energized by both indignation from outrageous electoral rigging and growing disaffection with the neoliberal regime of Putin. The protest boiled into a multi-thousand-strong demonstration. Police and Special Police Force broke up the demonstration held in Moscow on the day before presidential inauguration.
After breaking up the peaceful demonstration the regime turned to the civil movement leaders. Two of them – Sergey Udaltsov and Alexey Navalny – are at the most risk at the moment. Today, they are administrative detainees accused of the fabricated case of “organizing mass riots”. And there is the real risk of criminal cases being fabricated against them with long-term prison sentences to follow.
Repressions against Sergey Udaltsov could have the most serious effect on the left movement of Russia since Sergey is one of the leaders of the Left Front movement, probably one of the largeest and most well-known socialist organizations of Russia today. Literally, Udaltsov became the central figure of the civil protest, and his personal influence is extremely high. For the authorities he symbolizes the threat of mass and organized rebellion against the dictatorship of big capital, and for many of us his name is a symbol of struggle for the democratic and social future of Russia.
Sergey Udaltsov has been on dry hunger strike for over a week. His health is put at risk, and Russian Political Police put pressure upon the doctors, forcing them to deny him hospital care. In fact, it is about to either dishearten or kill our comrade. At the same time they plan to falsely accuse him and initiate several criminal cases against him.
Comrades! We need your solidarity and support! We address left parties and organizations, social and civil activists, and everybody concerned with the struggle for social and civil rights in Russia. Organize street actions in front of Russian diplomatic missions in your country demanding to stop the arbitrary actions and repressions against Sergey Udaltsov and other civil activists in our country! We ask the deputies of the left and democratic parties to make solemn declarations in support of Sergey Udaltsov. We ask human rights organizations to recognize him as a prisoner of conscience.

Carine Clément carine_clement@hotmail.com

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