Lenin150 (Samizdat): 2nd expanded edition

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Lenin’s birth, Lenin150 (Samizdat) seeks to contribute to the re-kindling of the communist attractor by engaging, in the spirit of critical solidarity, with Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov in the year of his 150th anniversary. Conceived out of the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, the book brings together contributions

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Lenin’s birth, Lenin150 (Samizdat) seeks to contribute to the re-kindling of the communist attractor by engaging, in the spirit of critical solidarity, with Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov in the year of his 150th anniversary. Conceived out of the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, the book brings together contributions from all continents, ranging in style from the academic to the lyrical. As such, these compelling, and in some cases absolutely urgent, appropriations of (the spectre of) Lenin aspire to be of considerable use-value for the struggles ahead.

Lenin150 (Samizdat)
2nd, expanded edition
Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn (editor), Patrick Anderson (language editor), Johann Salazar (photography)
Daraja Press | 2021
full colour
| 344 pages

Ordering Information

available as hardcopy or PDF
via the website of Daraja Press

alternatively, by email to the editor Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn: lenin150[at]posteo.de

Table of Contents

Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn, Preface to the 2nd Edition 

The Politburo, About This Book

Patrick Anderson, In Search of Meaning: A Note from the Translator

Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn, Introduction: The Kyrgyz Lenin – From Spectre to Attractor (and Back) 

  1. Leon Trotsky, VI Lenin – On His Fiftieth Birthday
  2. Alain Badiou, Lenin, Founder of the Modern Meaning of the Word ‘Politics’
  3. Elvira Concheiro Bórquez, Lenin Does Not Mean Leninism
  4. Michael Brie, Learning from Lenin – and Doing It Differently
  5. Mauricio Sandoval Cordero, Lenin from Latin America – Towards a Reactivation of the Marxism of Political Organisation and Strategy
  6. Vashna Jagarnath, Peace! Land! Bread! – We are not going to die of Coronavirus, we are going to die of hunger!
  7. Atilio A Boron, Notes on “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder
  8. Owen Hatherley, Dead Russians on the Wall
  9. Marcos Del Roio, Engels and Lenin in Latin America: Yesterday and Today
  10. Kevin B Anderson, A Note on Lenin and the Dialectic
  11. Roland Boer, Lenin and Non-Antagonistic Contradictions
  12. Georgy Mamedov, How Is Internationalism to Be Understood? A Leninist Perspective on Identity Politics
  13. Jodi Dean, Lenin’s Desire: Reminiscences of Lenin and the Desire of the Comrade

Poetic Interlude – Joomart Bokonbaev Three Communist Poems

  1. Ursina Lardi, Playing Lenin – A Conversation about Lenin and Theatre
  2. Oxana Timofeeva, What Lenin Teaches Us About Witchcraft
  3. Tora Lane, Lenin, the Revolution, and the Uncertainties of Communism in the Work of Platonov
  4. Thomas Rudhof-Seibert, Eleven Theses on Lenin in the Corona Era
  5. Matthieu Renault, On Revolutionary Prudence, or the Wisdom of Lenin
  6. Michael Neocosmos, Lenin’s ‘Turn to the Masses’ (1921-1923)
  7. Molaodi Wa Sekake, Lenin: A Man of Action
and a Defender of the Integrity of Revolutionary Thought
  8. Matthew T. Huber, Electric Communism:
The Continued Importance of Energy to Revolution
  9. Mohira Suyarkulova, City of Lenin and the Social(ist) Life of a River
  10. Ronald Grigor Suny, A Whole River of Blood: Lenin and Stalin
  11. Wang Hui, The Revolutionary Personality and The Philosophy of Victory – Commemorating the 150th Anniversary
of Lenin’s Birth
  12. Darko Suvin, In the Shadows of Never-Ending Warfare: On the Use-Value of Lenin today
  13. Slavoj Žižek, Lenin? – Which Lenin?
  14. Vijay Prashad, For Comrade Lenin on His 150th Birth Anniversary
  15. Johann Salazar, I Believe in Yesterday – A Photographer’s Note  on Remembering an Alternative Future

Bertolt Brecht, To Those Born After

The Central Committee 

The Politburo 


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