Marxism-Feminism Conference “Building Bridges”

The videos and audiofiles of the panels of the Marxist-Feminist conference “Building Bridges – shifting and strengthening visions – exploring alternatives“ in Vienna last October are now available.

For the videos please click here.

We want to thank our friends of AVA – Audiovisuelles Archiv for editing and uploading the files.

Thanks also to Bettina Frenzel for the pictures at the site of the conference.

For the conference report please click here.

The 2nd International Marxist-Feminist Conference 2016 has been hosted by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and was organised by transform! europe, the feminist section of the Berliner Institut für kritische Theorie and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.

In May a preparation group will meet for the 3rd conference in Lund in fall 2018. Watch out for the Call for Papers to be released in fall 2017.

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