Mobilizing collectively against climate change throughout 2015

To prepare for the United Nations conference on climate change in December 2015 in Paris, close to 100 civil society organisations have collectively founded the French platform « Coalition Climat 21 » to: build the pressure needed for ambitious and just climate action, and transformational and sustainable public policies.

Despite 20 years of international conferences on climate change, the international community has not yet addressed the global climate crisis. As it is more than ever urgent to tackly climate change, please join us in building mass mobilization and political momentum at the following key moments:
On May 30th and 31st, we will kickstart an international mobilization moment in June by calling out those responsible for climate change and call for the radical transformation of our development models through multiple actions, initiatives and demonstrations across France.
On September 26th and 27th, in Paris and cities across the country, and beyond, we will mobilize to support and showcase citizen-driven initiatives to address climate change and power the energy transition.
November 28th and 29th, just before negotiators head to COP21 in Paris, we will massively mobilize in the streets of Paris, major French cities – and, hopefully, big cities across the world – to make known our demands to Heads of State and government.
During the two weeks of the COP, there will be more and more actions blooming, particularly in Paris.
From December 6th onwards, a big space for convergence, debates and mobilization will be open to all those who want to take part in this citizen mobilization as well as contribute to alternative solutions to climate change.
On December 12th, at the close of the climate conference, we will take to the streets, particularly in Paris, to pave the way beyond the COP. We will make our voices heard: yes, civil society is united in the face of this major challenge for humanity and against those responsible for climate change: multinationals and governments. Our movement will keep growing after Paris!
Please connect with us online!
Website: www.coalitionclimat21.orgFacebook: @climat21
Write to: if you wish to be added to our international mailing list

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