Momentum 2013, Track #10: “Europe – A Progress?”

In serious political discourse the idea of a united Europe can be taken for granted. At the same time the distance felt to “Brussels” is growing. A contradiction? What has remained of the promise of Europe? Who has benefited from the integration processes – and on whose costs and in whose interest? How can we explain the increasing authoritarian tendencies leading to the concentration of economical power in the hands of a few big multinational corporations? What role do the national interests play in the European decision-making process – and what could be alternatives, including their practical feasibility and enforceability?

The annual Momentum conference is dedicated to the integration of academic knowledge and political practice, and invites contributions from researchers, trade unionists, political practitioners and activists.
The 2013 Momentum conference takes place in Hallstatt (Austria), 17-20 October 2013This year’s conference theme is ‘Progress’ (see the conference website).
Momentum is interdisciplinary, particularly open to submissions from young scholars and explicitly invites not only academic but also policy-oriented papers. 
For the first time in the Momentum conference series, this track will be held entirely in English. Part of the objective of the track is to bring together German-language scholars and audiences with participants from other European contexts. Hence we very much welcome abstract submissions from a wide range of participants!
Track # 10 Europe  A Progress?
The organizers invite contributions from scholars, policy-makers and activists who are interested in discussing the fundamental question of whether Europe is (or could be) progress. Please find the Call for Papers for Track # 10 on the Right ("Documentation"). 
The deadline for submissions of Track #10 is 15 May 2013. Abstracts (max two A4 pages) should be submitted to, including name and contact information.
Track #10 coordinators:
Laura Horn is Associate Professor at the Department of Society and Globalisation at Roskilde University (Denmark). Her research focus is on the critical political economy of European integration,
Lukas Oberndorfer is researcher in the Department for EU &International Affairs at the Austrian Chamber of Labour. He is active in the working group critical EU Studies of the AkG. His work focuses on critical theory & empirical study of European integration and European law,

Lukas Oberndorfer,
Laura Horn,

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