No More War, No More Fascism!

We call on all parties to the conflict to stop armed operations and to avoid further escalation of the situation. We are against repression by the military forces and armed militias. The conflict has to be solved by negotiations and political democratic means, as e.g. referenda.

We consider as the main factors in the Ukraine crisis the imperial attitude towards the country, as shown by all major powers involved: the deliberately provocative and bellicose moves by USA, NATO and EU as well as the aggressive steps taken by Russia. This leads to a dangerous situation at our doorsteps, with reminiscence to the Cold War and even to the WWI outbreak in 1914.

We are against undemocratic repression of communist party, left wing, and other democratic political forces. We demand the release of all political prisoners and people taken hostage.
We demand an impartial international investigation of the Maidan shooting, Odessa massacre, and of all other war crimes committed during the conflict. We condemn the presence of fascist forces like Svoboda and Pravi Sektor in the government and state apparatus, and the presence of far-right forces in the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
We are strongly against the austerity measures imposed on Ukraine by the EU and IMF, and we support the right of Ukrainian people to control the resources of their own country and their rights for social protection. We are against the presence of any foreign forces on the soil of Ukraine.
Party of the European Left
1 July 2014

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