On Rosa Luxemburg. The Most Recent Publications

Find here a non-exhaustive list of the most recent publications on Rosa Luxemburg’s life and work – all released in 2019, the year of the 100th anniversary of her murder.

In addition, find here transform europe’s previously published texts on Rosa Luxemburg:

Holger Politt, Rosa Luxemburg’s Labour Movement Socialism

Walter Baier, Rosa Luxemburg: Utopian or Exporer?




Rosa Luxemburg. En biografi.

A biography by transform! europe’s Norwegian observer organisation Manifesto Foundation


Ellen Engelstad/ Mímir Kristjánsson, Rosa Luxemburg. En biografi.
Manifest 2019.
127 p.
ISBN 9788283420746

for book order, click here


Rosa Luxemburg neu entdecken.

Michael Brie, philosopher working at the Institute for Critical Social Analysis of the RLS on different aspects of the life and work of Rosa Luxemburg.


Michael Brie, Rosa Luxemburg neu entdecken. Ein hellblaues Bändchen zu »Freiheit für den Feind! Demokratie und Sozialismus«
VSA-Verlag 2019.
160 p.
ISBN 978-3-89965-886-6

table of contents and sample at the website of VSA publishers

for book order, click here


Rosa. The Graphic Novel Rosa. Die Graphic Novel

English, German



Kate Evans: Rosa. Die Graphic Novel über Rosa Luxemburg.
Karl Dietz Verlag 2019. 2nd edition.
228 p., Broschur.
ISBN 978-3-320-02355-3

Highlights from Kate Evans’ presentation at the Rosa Remix conference, and, as bonus track, Molly Crabapple (illustrator and writer) interviewing Kate Evans at the release party, co-hosted with Verso Books, presented by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – NYCKate Evans, The Making of ‘Red Rosa’ (English, German subtitles available)

for book order, click here


Rosa Roja

publication by Europe of Citizens Foundation / Fundación por la Europa de los Ciudadanos (FEC), supported by transform! europe


Rosa Roja. Cuaderno Didáctico para Conocer A Rosa Luxemburgo.
Ilustraciones: Abril Morillo
Ediciones Atrapasueños 2019.
ISBN 978-84-15674-01-6

Also available as ePublication



The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume III.


Axel Fair-Schulz/ Peter Hudis/ William A. Pelz (ed.): The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume III. Political Writings 1. On Revolution: 1897–1905.
Hardback or Ebook.
592 p.
ISBN 9781786635334

for book order, click here


Who Was Rosa Luxemburg?

A short film with Eleanor Penny finding out more about Red Rosa’s life and legacy.

German subtitles available

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation / Novara Media: Who Was Rosa Luxemburg?

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