On 5 September 1881, Otto Bauer, one of the most prominent Austro-Marxist theorist of the inter-war period, was born. Find here a compilation of texts and lectures on Otto Bauer’s work and impact.
- On 5 September 1881, Otto Bauer, one of the most prominent Austro-Marxist theorist of the inter-war period, was born. Find here a compilation of texts and lectures on Otto Bauer’s work and impact.
The Austrian Revolution. Otto Bauer, edited by Eric Canepa and Walter Baier
Luxemburg, Lenin, Bauer – The Left and the National, by Walter Baier
Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe and Austro-Marxism (conference)The Austrian Revolution. Otto Bauer
A complete English translation of this seminal work of Austro-Marxism has been published in August 2021.
The Austrian Revolution
Otto Bauer
edited by Eric Canepa and Walter Baier
translated by Eric Canepa
Haymarket BooksFor further information, click here
Luxemburg, Lenin, Bauer – The Left and the National
published in: Walter Baier, Eric Canepa, Haris Golemis, The Radical Left in Europe – Rediscovering Hope. transform! Yearbook 2019, London: Merlin Press, 2019, pp. 73-84.
Eric Hobsbawm deemed it appropriate to recall at the beginning of his study on Nations and Nationalisms ‘the first noteworthy attempt to subject the issue to a dispassionate analysis’: ‘the important and under-appreciated debates among the Marxists of the Second International on what they called the “national question”’ involving ‘the best minds of the international socialist movement – and they could boast some of the most brilliant thinkers – [who] tackled this problem: Kautsky and Luxemburg, Otto Bauer and Lenin, to name only a few’.
Luxemburg and Lenin – cosmopolitanism and the unconditional right to form a state made up the two extreme points of an axis around which all theoretical and practical attempts at a solution of the national problems, regardless of the vocabulary they used or use, turned up to the present day. In this regard, with his concept of ‘national-cultural autonomy’ aimed at realising equal national rights while maintaining a multinational state, the Austrian Otto Bauer occupied a middle position.For further reading, click here
Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe and Austro-Marxism (conference)
Source: Haymarket Publishers This online conference, organised by transform! europe, took place on 29/30 May 2021. The video recordings of the following lectures are available online:
State theory and Austro-Marxism
Austro-Marxism and Democratic Socialism Today, Walter Baier
Austrian School and Austro-Marxism
The Other Austrian School, Michael Krätke
Helene Bauer against Ludwig Mises on Marginal Utility Theory, Dunja Larise
Woytinsky, Hilferding and the fiscal orthodoxy of interwar social democracy, Engelbert Stockhammer
Austro-Marxism and Eastern Europe
Sima Marković, The Austro-Marxist Who Wasn’t, Stefan Gužvica
Women in Austro-Marxism
Where have all the women gone?, Petra Unger
Käthe Leichter and the Austro-Marxist: The Dilemma of Womanhood and Intellectuality, Barbara Serloth
For further information, click here
See also:
International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH), Vienna
Marie Jahoda – Otto Bauer Institute (jbi), Linz
Verein für Geschichte der ArbeiterInnenbewegung (VGA), Vienna