Press Release: Stop the War! An Appeal for a Europe of Peace

transform! europe is issuing a Peace Manifesto advocating for an end of the Russian attack on Ukraine, peace and a deeper understanding of the current conflict.

De-escalation and peace

transform! europe strongly condemns military aggression against a sovereign country and calls on President Putin and the Russian Federation to immediately cease any hostilities and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory.

As the manifesto emphasises:
In these difficult times, we stand with the people of Ukraine who experience the Russian attack in full force and whose lives are in danger.”

transform! europe calls on the European Union to assume an active role in establishing conditions for the resumption of negotiations. It should therefore refrain from all activities that contribute to further escalation.
In addition, the European Union has to open its borders for Ukrainian refugees and provide humanitarian aid.

transform! europe appeals to all progressive forces and movements throughout Europe – to feminist, anti-racist, ecological, human-rights, and peace movements alike – to organise demonstrations for the restoration of peace and demilitarisation. transform! europe furthermore appeals to social democratic and Green parties and affiliated organisations to uphold their pacifist and anti-militarist traditions and join forces with the left to advocate for peace.

European security architecture and disarmament

As their primary goal, negotiations with Russia must aim to end the military intervention. As a long-term goal, peace talks must aim at building a new European security architecture.

transform! europe states,
mastering the challenges of the future in peace will only be possible if Europe leaves the Cold War logic in the past and collectively faces the future.

The current conflict is not only between Ukraine and Russia, it is also a consequence of the geopolitical rivalry between Russia and the NATO. However, a European security system cannot be built in confrontation but only in cooperation with Russia. transform! europe calls for an autonomous European security policy aimed at dismantling all nuclear weapons on the continent, demilitarisation, and peaceful international relations.
The arms industry must no longer enjoy impunity, making millions in revenue while destroying the planet and depriving the youth from their right to a peaceful future. The youth of Ukraine and Russia are now ripped from their families and sent to fight in a war that serves oligarchic interests and threatens their future and lives.

Find the full text of the Peace Manifesto here:

transform! europe

transform! europe is a network of 39 European organisations from 23 countries, active in the field of political education and critical scientific analysis, and is the recognised political foundation corresponding to the Party of the European Left (EL).

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