Solidarity with the Pro-Kurdish Protests in Turkey

Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for 82 people, including a mayor, over pro-Kurdish protests sparked by Isis seizure of Kobane six years ago. The European Left (EL) forcefully condemns all the anti-democratic intimidations and arrests of the protesters and expresses the solidarity with HDP and other progressive activists in Turkey.

So far the prosecutor’s office did not specify what offences the alleged, among whom is also the Mayor of Kars, Ayhan Bilgen (HDP), have committed.

“Erdogan maintains his policy on repression of any political opposition. This is intended to crush and silence any kind of resistance, which is opposing Erdogan’s authoritarian government. Not even under the coronavirus the repression that Erdogan’s administration is carrying out against the Kurdish political and social movement stops. We strongly condemn the arrests and the ongoing suspension of the rule of law principles. The European Union must react immediately and demand the release of all political prisoners in Turkey”, says Heinz Bierbaum, President of the European Left.

Originally published at the website of the EL.

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