Strong ‘No’ to Hungarian Anti-LGBTIQ+ Law From MEPs

On 8th July, the European Parliament condemned Hungary’s recent anti-LGBTIQ+ legislation and denounced the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law in the country. In a resolution, adopted with 459 in favour 147 against, and 58 abstentions, MEPs described the law as being in clear breach of fundamental rights.

For the Left in the European Parliament it is clear that EU laws are being breached, and that immediate action must be taken to protect the rights of children and LGBTIQ+ people wherever they are threatened.

The vote was sparked by new rules introduced by the Hungarian government that restrict freedom of speech and children’s rights by banning LGBTIQ+ content from being featured in school educational materials or TV shows for under 18s.

The Parliament has repeatedly expressed its concerns about the lack of progress in the Article 7 processes in relation to the situation in Hungary and Poland, and about the continued deterioration of EU values.

Over the past year, we have witnessed right-wing governments and ultra-conservative forces in Europe attacking LBGTIQ+ and women’s rights, while advancing discriminatory measures. What Europe needs today is a united front to defend the values of inclusion and tolerance.

Originally published at the website of The Left (formerly GUE/NGL) (full version)

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