“The Congress’ Critical Questions”

Selected Documents. – The second congress of Syriza took place in Athens from 13 to 16 September, the first since the takeover of the government by the Syriza-led coalition. Two years as long as a whole era: the victorious elections of January 2015, the negotiations with the Troika, the historic Oxi vote, the coup of July, the subsequent party split followed by the electoral victory in September.

After two days full of discussion encompassing all areas of Syriza’s policy the party conference, which was attended by a very large number of foreign delegations, elected a 151-headed Central Committee and Alexis Tsipras again as chairman.

transform! documents the key texts of the conference:

– the opening speech by Alexis Tsipras,
– the speech of Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos,
– the speech by Haris Golemis, the director of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute and Strategic and Scientific Adviser of transform!, as well as
– the political theses that were discussed at the congress.

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