The Greek people needs our solidarity!

The pressure on Greece on the part of the European Central Bank, the Euro-group and some EU government has tremendously increased. Counter pressure is necessary. transform! europe has therefore agreed to issue the following call:

The Greek people have decided: On 25 January they did not only vote out of office a bankrupt government, but also rejected the politics of austerity which had been imposed on the country and which has taken it to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. The government formed by Alexis Tsipras due to the election results has not only opened the door to fundamental change in Greece but also in the entire EU.
Both contradicts the intentions of the neoliberal European elites who want to enforce a continuation of austerity politics. Since the very moment the new government was formed, the European Central Bank, the leaders of the Euro group and the German government have increased their pressure on Greece. By rejecting Greek state bonds as security for Central Bank loans and by openly threatening Greece to cut it off from international financing, not only severe economic damage is caused but also the democratic will of the Greek people for political change is disregarded.
The Tsipras government has declared that it will not yield to the pressure and stick to the promises given to the Greek people during the election campaign.
The undemocratic pressure on a sovereign people contradicts the expectations also of the European public. In recent days, the European Trade Union Confederation, leading German trade unionists, trade union leaders of several European countries such as Ireland and Austria, civil society initiatives and numerous researchers have publicly declared that the new Greek government is not a danger but a chance to Europe and have called the European institutions to an open and positive attitude vis-à-vis the new government. In various countries, UK, Austria, France, Italy, and others members of parliament belonging to different parties have urged constructive attitude towards the new government of Greece.
However much more must be done. Greece needs our solidarity now. On 11 February the Euro group will come together for a special session. Shortly afterwards, the European Council will meet up to discuss the situation created by the Greek elections.  
We call on the social movements, the trade unions, the political actors and all forces opposed to austerity politics to counter the blackmailing of Greece. We call for increasing public pressure on the EU, the national governments, the national banks and the European Central Bank. The decision met by the Greek people on 25 January must be respected.
We propose manifestations in solidarity with Greece on 11 February and an action week during the meeting of the European Council and the Euro group between 11 and 17 February.

transform! europe
8 February 2015

Declarations of the European Trade Union Confederation, the Austrian Trade Unions, German trade union leaders and the call of 300 academics on Greece.

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