The Initiative “Move Up 2021”

Italy will host the G20 and official meetings will be held in various cities to establish agreements with which the powerful countries of the world will surely continue to fail to address the social and environmental injustice in which we are immersed. The health crisis, climate change, impoverishment, and migration will receive no responses other

Italy will host the G20 and official meetings will be held in various cities to establish agreements with which the powerful countries of the world will surely continue to fail to address the social and environmental injustice in which we are immersed. The health crisis, climate change, impoverishment, and migration will receive no responses other than those dictated by the rules of the market and finance.

As an alternative, various NGOs, political organisations, and individual activists have agreed to coordinate their activism in particular regarding human rights and global answers to the health crisis. The objective is to show that it is urgently necessary and possible to reset the global political agenda on those economic, social, and technological solutions that are in the interest of all the inhabitants of the earth (including all living species).

A ‘move up 21’ committee has therefore been established, which will organise meetings and, in ways appropriate to the health emergency, public demonstrations in the various cities where the G20 meetings will be held. The committee intends to work on a process of inclusion and interaction with all the different realities and associated networks that, sharing the criticism of this G20, intend to promote public actions and initiatives. To this end, it will produce and widely distribute a document, The Citizens’ Memorandum, which will analyse the key obstacles to needed changes and present the most relevant solutions that need to be implemented.

Some initiatives are already cooperating both at the Italian and international levels.

to participate, contact us:

Riccardo Petrella for the Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth

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