The Struggle for a Different Europe Is Not Over

"As general elections in Greece approach, the time is ripe to reiterate our solidarity with SYRIZA. In spite of the 13th of July agreement, which shed light onto the brutality and dogmatism of the so-called European partners, the struggle for a fairer Europe isn’t over. SYRIZA’s role remains decisive, and it is in the best

"As general elections in Greece approach, the time is ripe to reiterate our solidarity with SYRIZA. In spite of the 13th of July agreement, which shed light onto the brutality and dogmatism of the so-called European partners, the struggle for a fairer Europe isn’t over. SYRIZA’s role remains decisive, and it is in the best interest of the whole of Europe not to let them down.
The inspiring popular movement that led to the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour party leader in the United Kingdom shows that, even in core Europe, change can occur. It opens up new possibilities for a broader front against austerity in Europe to arise, as well as for common sense to eventually prevail over destructive neoliberal policies.
As more and more refugees are risking their lives to escape war zones and misery, a progressive Greece has a huge role to play. Shortly after taking office, Tsipras’ government granted full citizenship to children born in Greece from foreign parents. That’s the kind of humanistic policies the EU needs – embracing a common future, rather than turning in upon ourselves – on a much broader scale.
On September 20th, the Greek people will choose to either give their vote to SYRIZA, or to the representatives of the oligarchy that damaged the country for so many years. Conditions are difficult. The memorandum imposed upon Tsipras’ government is also the outcome of the weaknesses to mobilize massively for another Europe. The room for manoeuvre of a progressive government in Greece to implement a parallel program which offsets as much as possible the effects of the 3rd memorandum will depend on our ability to better mobilize in our respective countries of residence. It is a historic responsibility that could influence the course of Europe as a whole."

List of Signatories:
Abendroth Elisabeth, Germany
Acerbo Maurizio, Italy
Ambrosch Heidemarie, Austria
Astégiani Merrain Marie, France
Baerwolff Matthias, Germany
Baier Walter, Austria
Balibar Etienne, France
Benatouil Maxime, France
Benyik Matyas, Hungary
Bieler Andreas, United Kingdom
Bischoff Joachim, Germany
Boaccara Frederic, France
Bolini Raffaella, Italy
Brie Michael, Germany
Brown Wendy, USA
De Sousa Santos Boaventura, Portugal
Delepouve Marc, France
Dellheim Judith, Germany
Detje Richard, Germany
Didry Claude, France
Dimicoli Yves, France
Durand Denis, France
Durand Jean-Marc, France
Ferre Marga, Spain
Fleissner Peter, Austria
Flipo Fabrice, France
Gauthier Elisabeth, France
Grahl John, United Kingdom
Guespin Janine, France
Hildebrandt Cornelia, Germany
Himmelstoss Eva, Austria
Klute Jürgen, Germany
Lehndorff Steffen, Germany
Málek Jiří, Czech Republic
Marcon Giulio, Italy
Marx Bernard, France
Mezzadra Sandro, Italy
Mills Catherine, France
Monteiro Hugo, Portugal
Morea Roberto, Italy
Mouffe Chantal, Canada
Musacchio Roberto, Italy
Panourgia Neni, USA
Pianta Mario, Italy
Pickshaus Klaus, Germany
Pilichowski Christian, France
Ramirez Sigfrido, Belgium
Robbins Bruce
Rousseau Michel, France
Sabourin Anne, France
Sandoval Véronique, France
Selinger Helmut, Germany
Steiner Barbara, Austria
Tosel André, France
Touzet Hugo, France
Van Keirsbick Felipe, Belgium
Weber Louis, France
Wolf Frieder Otto, Germany

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