Transform! europe at the World Social Forum 2018

The World Social Forum 2018 took place in Salvador de Bahia in Brazil. Transform! europe organized two workshops on site and members of the delegation participated in diverse workshops, cultural and political events.

The Forum was marked by the brutal murder of Rio councillor and fearless activist Marielle Franco. Marielle Franco, 38,  had become known for her struggle for the rights of the people of Rio’s favelas that make up almost one-quarter of Rio de Janeiro’s population. She has been a voice against police violence and corruption and an advocate of women and lgbtqi* rights.

The mobilizations during the Forum were very dynamic and full of youth bringing very strong messages:

The future of Brazil will be antiracist and feminist! 

We wish the people of Brazil much strength for the struggles ahead!

Submitted Workshops

1. Marseille European Forum: ideas and conclusions from the first Forum of European left, green and progressive forces.

Slogan: Alliances for Left and ecological change!    

The first European Forum, that was inspired by the Sao Paolo Forum, took place in Marseilles, France in November 2017. Over 100 organizations, parties, trade unions and movements from more than 30 countries, participated and debated the future of Europe, in order to forge strong alliances of resistance and change. In this workshop comrades from Europe will provide an insight on these discussions and the future plans of the upcoming  2nd European Forum in Spain on 9-11th of November 2018. Together with comrades and friends from around the world, we want to discuss the perspectives of the Europe we want.  


Monica Valente, PT (tbc)

Maite Mola, VP EL

Marga Ferré, President, FEC , Transform Board

Natasa Theodorakopoulou, European Left Party         

2.  Borders for the capital not for the people!   

The far-right is gaining ground in Europe and the EU is forcing militarization and externalization of borders and a brutal border regime that neglects even basic human rights. At the same time, big capital enjoys impunity and free-trade agreements are lobbied and signed behind closed doors. In this seminar, we will speak about the current situation in the continent and the counter-strategies that will help us avert a dire future: Europe becoming a golden birdcage for the privileged.  


Katerina Anastasiou, facilitator of the chapters Migration and Global Strategy, transform !europe , Austria

Cuca Hernández, Attac, on TISA or the treaty that will end our social services and our future 

Federico Severino, Instituto 25M, Podemos, Madrid

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