transform! Resolution Regarding the Murder of a Greek Antifascist Citizen by Members of the Neo-Nazi Party of Golden Dawn

Participants in the Annual Members’ Meeting of transform! europe, which was taking place in Athens from 18 to 19 September, strongly condemn the atrocious murder of the 34 year old antifascist citizen Pavlos Fissas by a group of members of the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn, in the night of 18 September in the neighbourhood of Keratsini. Golden Dawn

Participants in the Annual Members’ Meeting of transform! europe, which was taking place in Athens from 18 to 19 September, strongly condemn the atrocious murder of the 34 year old antifascist citizen Pavlos Fissas by a group of members of the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn, in the night of 18 September in the neighbourhood of Keratsini. Golden Dawn has been involved in violent activities for a long time, attacking immigrants and refugees, left activists, gay people and other minorities, while at the same time it has never hid its hatred of democracy and freedom.
We call upon progressive citizens and activists throughout Europe to show their active solidarity with the Greek anti-fascist movement.
We demand from the Greek government that it acts to prevent the criminal activity of the neo-nazis by all appropriate means, including legislative initiatives.
We demand that all European governments and European Institutions should step back from the policy of austerity, which is one of the main reasons for the increase of the strength of the extreme right and neo-nazi parties in many European countries.
18. Sept. 2013

The foto above shows 34 years old antifascist rapper Pavlos Fissas.

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