Voices for Peace

In reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, transform! europe has issued a Peace Manifesto. A variety of other organisations advocate for peace as well: left parties and movements, NGOs, human rights organisations, peace movements, trade unions, religious groups, and many more.

In reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, transform! europe has issued a Peace Manifesto. A variety of other organisations advocate for peace as well: left parties and movements, NGOs, human rights organisations, peace movements, trade unions, religious groups, and many more.


Read here transform! europe’s Peace Manifesto
in EnglishCatalanCzechFrenchGermanGreekHungarianItalianRussianSpanish, and Ukrainian;

We recommend:
Listen to Frieda Afary’s interview with Ukrainian Socialist feminist Oksana Dutchak
Dutchak is co-editor of Spilne/Commons, a journal published inside Ukraine. She talks about the courageous popular resistance to Putin’s brutal invasion, as well as  the needed solidarity with regional and global struggles against authoritarianism, racism, and misogyny.

and to the interview with Russian feminist Ella Rossmann
Rossmann is a member of the coordination group of Feminist Anti-War Resistance (see below) and a doctoral student at the University College London, who writes about gender and Soviet history. She talks about the feminist anti-war solidarity with the resistance of Ukrainian people against Putin’s invasion, and the needed global solidarity to oppose misogyny, racism, capitalist authoritarianism.

Both interviews are available as podcasts.

The International Peace Bureau (IPB), dedicated to the vision of a world without war, consisting of 300 member organisation in 70 countries, has appealed to all countries: Lay down your arms! Peace Logic instead of War Logic!

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has repeatedly spoken for peace, including in its Resolution on Ukraine.
In addition, the ETUC Women’s Committee issued a statement in solidarity with Ukrainian women in particular, calling for an end to the war, peace, dialogue, and justice.

The Confederation of Labour of Russia, a member organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation, issued a statement the day after the Russian attack, calling for a return to the negotiating table:

The Confederation of Labour of Russia is convinced that all disagreements and contradictions—however deep and however longstanding—must be resolved by negotiations, on the basis of goodwill and adherence to the principle of world peace. This vision has been an integral part of the global and anti-militarist outlook of the workers’ movement for more than a century, and has been realised through the establishment of international institutions and mechanisms tasked with ensuring peace.

By the end of March, over 2,500 organisations, collectives, and individuals, among them numerous distinguished scholars, have signed the manifesto ‘Feminist Resistance Against War‘.

The Party of the European Left declares that there ‘is no alternative to dialogue and cooperation’.

The Left in the European Parliamentcondemns the war and calls for an urgent cease-fire. Co-President Manon Aubry insists: ‘the European Union must defend whatever the cost, the only valid objective, peace and de-escalation. […] Peace is the only way.’

In light of the discrimination experienced by non-Ukrainian citizens fleeing from the Russian attack, the Left calls for: ‘Equal Rights For All Refugees’.

The United European Left Group (UEL), which operates within the framework established by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to promote and protect human rights, the rule of law, and democracy, calls for an immediate ceasefire and points out the necessity for a ‘new, inclusive and indivisible European security architecture’.


DIALOP, Transversal Dialogue Project, which aims to promote dialogue between Marxist and Christian standpoints and develop common commitments to peace, non-violence, social justice, democracy, and ecological transformation, calls for dialogue.

transform! europe supports the call of the Transnational Social Strike Platform: No To War. For a Transnational Politics of Peace.

The European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network (ERGO) has launched an open letter, condemning the war against Ukraine and calling on the Russian Federation to cease the attacks and acts of violence against Ukraine.


European Forum Against the War: representatives of numerous organisations from various European coutries gathered in Rome on Sunday, 3 April, to amplify the voices of those who want to build a peaceful Europe, and a Europe which welcomes all refugees fleeing wars, rejecting the shameful western “double standards”:


Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth, Italy, a broad initiative aimed at recognising humanity as a major player in political, social and economic regulation at the global level, launched a Declaration under the title “A global war. Let´s end it”, calling for a global pact, now, for a common, universal future of justice and peace.


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