Who is Saving Whom?

Who is saving whom? Are the rich saving the poor? The politicians saving the banks? The bank rescue funds saving Europe? Or are the taxpayers saving some few individuals? To whose advantage is the so-called crisis? The new documentary film from Leslie Franke and Herdolor Lorenz sheds some light on this issue.

On Wednesday February 11, 2015 the film is presented for the first time simultaneously in hundreds of cinemas and other locations all over Europe! You too can host a premiere screening in your town! Only through awareness raising and an open debate we can stop the bank rescue packages throughout Europe and begin to install a true democracy.
You heard right: We invite you all to host a premiere screening in your town, wherever in Europe or elsewhere in the world that may be. Unlike other films, “Who Is Saving Whom?” will be made available from day one to everyone interested in watching it or showing it to others – in English, German, French, Spanish, Greek and Italian. This should allow the message of the film to spread widely from day one – throughout Europe and maybe even elsewhere. A concept that has already proven of value in the context of their previous films “Water Makes Money“ (2011) an “Rail up for sale” (2007) and therefore reapplied by the filmmakers Leslie Franke and Herdolor Lorenz. "Who is Saving Whom?" is being created as a "film from below" – financed by those who want to see the film, show the film, and use the film as a tool for clarification. A film that belongs to us all. A film that concerns us all.
Therefore, turn Wednesday February 11, 2015 into your action day and, together with us, host a premiere screening in your town – in a movie theatre or elsewhere!

What is the film about?

For six years now, politicians are establishing numerous rescue funds in order to save “systemically important” banks and “over-indebted” states. They say, they are doing it for the good of the European economy and therewith all European citizens. “Who Is Saving Whom?“ shows who is truly saved. It was never about saving the Greeks, or the Spanish or the Portuguese. The principal beneficiaries of these crises are the creditors. Ironically enough, the same creditors that substantially contributed to the crisis with high-risk speculations. To pay them off, the taxpayers and the social welfare state all over Europe have to suffer. Public authorities are pursuing austerity policies: pensions are cut, public welfare systems abolished or privatised. “Who Is Saving Whom?“ shows that the banks and other creditors have managed to turn even the financial crisis into a profitable business model. As Professor Hans-Werner Sinn, president of the ifo Institute in Munic put it: “It is sort of a business model the banks apply. They count on the states to bail them out in times of crisis. In good times they make profits, which they distribute to their shareholders; the money is gone. In bad times, they count on the taxpayers to cover the losses.”

Only together we can change things for the better!

Since we started working on the movie, three years ago, we have been collaborating with a number of support organisations from all over Europe: social movements, NGOs, unions and other political actors from Greece, Spain, Italy, France, Germany and elsewhere. We are convinced that the key to a more democratic and social Europe is a concerted effort based on experience and knowledge sharing and a deep understanding of the global political context.

The film concerns us all!

The issues depicted in the film affect almost every European citizen, since social services, which we all benefit from, are being jeopardized. General welfare will only stand a chance against the power of the financial markets if citizens start to recognise their interests in the "billion Euro game", to understand the main structures and mechanisms of financial capital. "Who Is Saving Whom?" will be a means to achieve this aim.
Does the topic of the film appeal to you and you would be interested in using it for the purpose of revealing the impacts of the financial crisis and the bank and state bailouts and its actual beneficiaries. Then be part of the action day taking place all over Europe on Wednesday February 11, 2015 by hosting a premiere screening in your town!
How you will get there? We created a sort of a handbook that provides you with all the information with regard to the Europe-wide action day. For further questions, proposals or concerns, feel free to contact us: E-Mail info@whos-saving-whom.org; Tel.+49(0)176-34854689.
Campaign-Team “Who Is Saving Whom?”

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