Work and Economy in the Climate Crisis

The earth is heating up faster and faster. We live, work and produce at the expense of others and at the expense of our future. What needs to change? What challenges and tasks do employees and trade unions face in order to make good work and a good life for all possible?

The brochure "Von A wie Arbeit bis Z wie Zukunft" highlights the world of work and the economy in a vivid way: The concept of the imperial way of life helps to understand why social inequality and the environmental crisis continue to worsen, even though there is hardly any lack of knowledge about them.

The 56-page illustrated brochure in German language with a foreword by Ulrich Brand, Sylvia Leodolter and Ilija Trojanow was created as part of the imperial lifestyle writing workshop, organized by the Vienna Periscope collective and supported by transform! europe and others.

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Download the brochure (in German only) as PDF on the right

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