Working Time Reduction and Climate Crisis

Organised by the European Network for the fair sharing of working time and supported by the Brussels Office of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, a member organisation of transform! europe, this conference was centered around the question of the role of working time reduction when addressing climate change. Watch the full recording!

The demand for a shorter working week has always been at the heart of the labour movement. The eight-hour movement extended beyond borders and ensured that today we enjoy things like the weekend and the eight-hour day. Nowadays, it is not only about workers’ wellbeing, equality and the reduction of unemployment – now it could be about saving the planet, too! Research has demonstrated that shorter work hours are associated with reduced carbon emissions, however the relationship is complex.

At this conference, the potential contribution of working time reduction to the socio-ecological transition, its role in initiatives addressing climate change and its place in approaches to the European Green New Deal have been discussed.

Watch the recordings here on You Tube.

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