Peace Is Our Victory

During the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) session, representatives of the Austrian peace movement gather at the Vienna Hofburg and project their demand for peace in Russian, Ukrainian, English and German on the façade of the building complex where the delegates meet: “Peace is our victory”.

On February 23-24, 2023, the winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is held in Vienna. The meeting coincides with the launch of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

During the OSCE session, representatives of the Austrian peace movement gather at the Vienna Hofburg and project their demand for peace in Russian, Ukrainian, English and German on the façade of the building complex where the delegates meet: “Peace is our victory”.

The undersigned parliamentarians of left-wing and progressive parties present in Vienna issue the following declaration on this occasion:


“We condemn Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, which is a clear violation of international law. There is no justification for war. As stated by the General Secretary of the UN, António Guterres, there is a real danger of further escalation including the use of nuclear weapons.

This possible escalation is even more likely after the recent speeches of Putin and Biden on the anniversary of this war. We are extremely worried about the suspension of the last remaining nuclear weapon treaty, the New Start Treaty. It’s in the interest of the whole of mankind to prevent further escalation and to stop this war.

We call on the parliamentarians present in Vienna at the Parliamentary Assembly to open the way for negotiations to restore peace based on international law, the United Nations Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe. We call for the strengthening of the OSCE as a possible frame for discussions of a renewed European peace order. We support international initiatives to stop this war.”

Name, Country, Party, MP

Walter Baier, President of the Party of the European Left (Austria)
Irene Charambalides, AKEL, OSCE PA (Cyprus)
Anton Gomez-Reino, Podemos, OSCE PA (Spain)
Andrej Hunko, DIE LINKE, OSCE PA (Germany)
Hisyar Öszoy, HDP, OSCE PA (Turkiye)

Originally published on the Website of the European Left.

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